Building Collaborative Responses to Human Trafficking

Woman in counseling
Human trafficking involves people being bought, sold, and forced into labor and/or sexual exploitation. It’s estimated that eighty percent of trafficking victims are women and girls.

Domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking  are inter-sectional issues for many survivors. Building relationships with allies and organizations and developing collaborative strategies in the community is critical to improving services to meet the needs of trafficked survivors.  The Building Collaborative Responses Project, in cooperation with the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), provides training and technical assistance to organizations seeking to work collaboratively to effectively respond to human trafficking in their communities. Our interactive training opportunities bring together professionals from survivor support agencies, immigrant rights, violence prevention, and law enforcement in order to advance best practices in preventing trafficking and ensuring self determination and wellness for survivors. See flyer with information.

Learn more about human trafficking and available resources.

New Resources:

To request technical assistance, resources, or for more information on the Building Collaborative Responses Project, please contact Monica Arenas at:

 Webinar Recordings, PowerPoints and  Resources

Supporting Survivors of Trafficking with Intellectual Disabilities: Prevention and Response Through Multi-Systems Collaboration 

  • This webinar will explore vulnerability factors facing the ID community and how organizations can work collaboratively to offer person-centered support to those who have experienced trafficking.

Meaningful Engagement and Partnership with Lived Experience Experts of Human Trafficking, Domestic, and Sexual Abuse  

  • This webinar will explore strategies for engaging and empowering survivors of human trafficking in various capacities.

Strengthening Domestic and Sexual Violence Programs to Support Trafficking Survivors: Intersections, Equity, Cultural Humility, and Collaborations

  • This webinar will review the ways that human trafficking can intersect with domestic and sexual violence, how to engrain equity and cultural responsiveness in your support of survivors, and the power of collaborative relationships to better support and serve survivors.

Intersection of Human Trafficking and Substance Use:  Trauma-Informed Care and Collaboration Strategies to Support Survivors

  • This webinar highlights collaborative strategies to support survivors in the state of Vermont and West Virginia communities, led by advocacy services and anti-human trafficking collaborations.

Collaborating with Culturally Specific Community-Based Programs to Support Survivors of Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, March, 2022

  • This webinar includes strategies and recommendations on effective collaboration with culturally specific organizations to address the intersectionality of human trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual assault.  Presenters share their experiences, lessons learned, and promising practices in engaging with the immigrant, LGBTQ+, tribal, farm worker, and Deaf community.

Collaborative Community Resource Mapping to Support Survivors of Human Trafficking, and Domestic and Sexual Violence, March 2022

  • This webinar discusses considerations, strategies, and tools for community resource mapping and building an interactive resource exchange to support survivors through collaboration.

Collaborating to Increase Access to Employment and Educational Opportunities for Survivors of Human Trafficking and Domestic and Sexual Violence, (2022)

  • This webinar highlights barriers to employment and education for survivors and strategies for building strong cross-sector collaborations between advocacy service providers and workforce development programs.

Building Collaborative Responses with Community Health Centers to Support Survivors at the Intersection of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Human Trafficking (2021)

  • Healthcare providers are often an initial point of contact, or first line responders, for people who are sexually assaulted, in situations of domestic violence or trafficking. Webinar includes an overview of the impacts on health and needs of survivors, the role of health care providers and community health centers, as well as strategies and tools to build collaborative partnerships.

Legal Services & Advocacy Collaboration to Support Trafficked Survivors of Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault During COVID-19 (2020)

  • This peer exchange webinar highlights the ways in which advocacy and legal programs are shifting their in-person and virtual approaches to meet the legal needs of trafficking survivors and collaborative strategies to provide support.  See resource list shared.  Resource list in Spanish.

Supporting the Health and Economic Needs of Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault and Trafficking Survivors during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (2020)

  • This webinar highlights how advocacy programs and collaborative partners are shifting their in-person and virtual approaches to meet the needs of trafficking survivors. It also includes tools and approaches  to expand partnerships with health care and workforce development partners, to enhance safety and wellness for survivors, as well as resources.

Strengthening Domestic and Sexual Violence Programs for Trafficked Survivors: Enhancing Identification, Case Management and Advocacy (2020)

  • This webinar offers strategies to enhance services for survivors of  domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking, including identification process; case management, housing,  collaboration strategies, and resources.

Criminal Courts and Service Providers: Building Relationships to Serve Survivors of Trafficking (2020) Co-organized with MOSAICS

Collaborative Strategies and Tools to Meet the Needs of Survivors of Human Trafficking  (2019)

  • This webinar highlights collaborative work undertaken by multi-disciplinary teams across the U.S. to support domestic and sexual violence and human trafficking  survivors. This includes lessons learned from an advocacy program, a law enforcement-led program, and a statewide task force operated by the Attorney General’s Office.

Integrating Assessment for Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault & Human Trafficking into Advocacy Programs:  Promising Practices & Tools (2019)

  • Domestic violence and sexual assault advocates play a critical role in identifying the intersection of intimate partner violence, sexual assault and human trafficking. This webinar includes promising approaches and sample tools to identify and assess the needs of survivors, in order to support and refer for services.

What Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Organizations Can do to Address Human Trafficking (2019)

  • This webinar describes the intersections of human trafficking with domestic violence and sexual assault (DV/SA), and the unique needs of survivors , as well as ten things that DV/SA service organizations can do to better support survivors of human trafficking. Includes tools and resources.

Case Management Approaches to Support Trafficked Victims/Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (2017)

  • Promising case management practices to support trafficked victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, as well as tools, and resources for advocacy.

Collaborating to Address the Needs of Trafficked Survivors with Disabilities (2017)

  • This webinar explores how domestic violence and sexual assault agencies and human trafficking task forces can collaborate with disability rights organizations to address the unique needs of survivors of trafficking with disabilities.

Collaborating to Address Trafficking in Rural Communities:  Lessons from the Field (2016)

  • The panelists discuss several promising approaches to building effective collaborations to address trafficking in rural communities.

Collaborating with Community Based Organizations and Faith Based Communities to Address Human Trafficking (2016)

  • This webinar shares strategies, recommendations and promising practices for effective collaboration with community based organizations and faith based communities to address human trafficking.

Overview of Labor Trafficking and the Intersection with Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (2016)

  • This webinar provides an introductory overview of labor trafficking, explores the intersection with domestic violence and sexual assault, and identifies protections and services available to domestic violence and sexual assault survivors of labor trafficking.

Human Trafficking Defined and Legal Options (2019)

  • This webinar provides an overview and elements of human trafficking, risk factors, and protections available to trafficked person.  It includes assignments recommendations.


Collaborating to Help Trafficking Survivors: Emerging Issues and Practice Pointers


Organizational Capacity & Resource Assessment to Support Survivors of Human Trafficking & Action Plan 

List of Resources on Anti-Human Trafficking for Service Providers, by Topic with Links

Resources list of resources on Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault/Human Trafficking in Spanish